FBE Spelling Bee 2025
Saturday, April 5
Registration: March 5-21

Location: Chenery Upper Elementary School, 95 Washington Street, Belmont, MA 02478
Timing: We start with Kindergartners at 2pm, and the event typically ends around 8pm
Who can enter: Kindergartners through sixth grade

The FBE Spelling Bee is a spelling demonstration and competition with more than 750 Kindergarten through Sixth grade spellers participating every year! Spellers participate in three or four-person teams and can review the appropriate grade word lists at home and with their team.

  • Registration is open March 5-21, 2025. Please note that a team name and the names of team participants are required in order to register for the Bee.

    *Space for this popular event is likely to sell out. For the last three years, we have had to close registration before the registration deadline and place teams on a Wait List. Please register your team as soon as possible to secure a spot.

  • Grade K Word List 2025

    Grades 1 and 2 Word List 2025

    Grades 3 and 4 Word List 2025

    Grades 5 and 6 Word List 2025

    On the day of the Bee, teams are given words from the list to write on a small team whiteboard (teams can designate one writer or rotate).

    N.B. Grades 5 & 6!
    Because Grades 5 & 6 are competitive with prizes awarded to the first and second place teams from the final competitive round, the pronouncers will start with words from the wordlist but will move off-list as the competition progresses. It is amazing what talented spellers live in Belmont!

  • Spellers participate in three or four-person teams.

    The K-4 swarms (groups of teams) are non-competitive. Teams will be told if their word is correct or incorrect, but there is no elimination.

    The 5th and 6th grade swarms are competitive using our famous “two stingers before you’re out” rules. Challenging, off-list words will be used, if needed.

    Bee teams are encouraged to wear attire (shirts, hats, etc.) to show their team spirit!

  • To take part in the BEE there is an entry fee of $30/speller.

    BEE scholarships are available. Please contact our BEEkeeper or the BEEmaster for the code to use at registration.

  • Bee participants should check back the week before the Bee to determine approximately what time their team will be on stage! On the day of the Bee, teams go on stage in groups (swarms).

    While actual swarm times can vary by the particular year, these are the approximate times by grade:

    • Grades K/1/2 from 2:00 — 4:00 PM

    • Grades 3/4 from 4:00 — 6:00 PM

    • Grades 5/6 from 6:00 — 8:00+ PM

    Teams in the competitive swarms are expected to stay in the auditorium until elimination or the final round of the FBE Spelling Bee. Prizes will be awarded to the first and second place teams from the competitive swarms at the end of the evening.

  • Volunteers are essential to the success of the Bee and are always welcome and greatly appreciated.

    Please sign up here.

  • Don’t forget that the goal is to have fun, so relax and smile!

    Grades K-4
    Grades K-4 will be non-competitive; you’re a winner just by participating and helping our schools. Each word will be given several times, including in a sentence. If you can’t hear, please raise your hand.

    • Each team will have a small whiteboard, and can designate one writer or rotate; but everyone should help the writer. Remember to be as quiet as you can! Do not spell aloud; do print your answers.

    • The pronouncer will call out the words to be spelled. You will have 20 seconds to write the word. We will give you a warning after 10 seconds. After 20 seconds, a bell will ring. If you are not finished or are having trouble, do not worry; just do the best you can.

    • When the time is up, hold up your board so we can see the word you have spelled.

    • Do not erase the word until we tell you to do so!

    • Teams will be told if their word is correct or incorrect, but there is no elimination.

    • We will tell you when it is the last word, so please remain standing until we have finished spelling all words.

    • At the end of your turn, we will have a prize for you; please walk over to the Prize Person when we tell you to do so.

    • Please remember to be quiet in the audience.

    5th – 6th graders – Competitive Bee
    Each team will have a small whiteboard, and can designate one writer or rotate; but everyone should help the writer.

    • The pronouncer will call out the words to be spelled. We will use words both on the provided word list and off-list.

    • You will have 20 seconds to complete the word.

    • When the time is up, hold up your board so we can see the word you have spelled.

    • Do not erase the word until we tell you to do so!

    • If you get a word wrong, one of the judges will ask you to put one stinger (located on your team table) down.

    • If you have 2 stingers down, your turn is over and you are finished spelling. You will then be escorted off the stage.

    • We will have prizes for everyone, and a special prize for the first and second place teams.

  • • In the CMS parking lot

    • On side streets adjacent to Chenery

    • Parking is limited – consider walking or car pooling to Chenery.

  • We are currently unable to provide snacks and drinks at this event.

    Family members and friends are encouraged to come and watch!


  • View 2025 Sponsorship levels here.

    If you already know you would like to be a sponsor, please reach out to our VP Fundraising at fundraising@fbe-belmont.org, or our administrator, at administrator@fbe-belmont.org.

    Thank you!

REGISTRATION-RELATED QUESTIONS? Contact the Spelling Bee Beekeepers at beekeeper@fbe-belmont.org

GENERAL BEE-RELATED QUESTIONS? Contact Spelling Bee Chair Holly Javedan or Wenhong Liu at beemaster@fbe-belmont.org

We welcome your participation! BEE there!


BEE HIVE SPONSOR 2025 ($500)

Russian School of Mathematics, Belmont


Belmont Printing
Champions Sporting Goods
Friends of the Belmont Public Library


Abode Well Designs
Accelerated Math Tutoring
Bob’s Jobs


  • The Foundation for Belmont Education (FBE) is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to making a difference in the Belmont Public Schools. While the Foundation cannot substitute for public support of education through tax dollars, the funds it raises from events such as the Spelling Bee, the FBE Apple Run, and the Spring Fundraiser play a pivotal role in fostering the creativity of our teachers, engaging the interest of our students, and sustaining the tradition of excellence that has characterized the Belmont Public Schools for so many years.

  • The FBE Spelling Bee is a team event. While we do not want to turn anyone away, it is not the role of the the Beekeeper to form teams. Spellers have the most fun when they participate with people they know. Please find classmates, teammates or friends, and make a team to enter. (Please see How do I form a team, above.)

  • Most spellers start by asking classmates to form a team; but please remember, teams do not have to come from the same class, the same grade, or even the same school. Friends from sports teams or afterschool activities are also potential teammates. Your classroom teacher may know of other students who are interested in participating and be able to help you connect with teammates as well.

  • You may not register a participant without entering a team name. Please encourage children to select a team name before individuals register.

  • Each team of spellers will be assigned to a specific swarm. Your swarm assignment and swarm Line Up Time will be posted on the FBE website a few days prior to the Bee, so that you can find your child’s team and plan accordingly. The Line Up Time is 15 minutes before your child will actually be on the Chenery Middle School auditorium stage to spell.

  • We have found that three to four members is the ideal size for teams. It allows the spellers to gather around the table and whiteboard and work together most effectively. We will, however, allow teams of five in the non-competitive K-4 division. If you have a team of five, you may want to consider finding another speller and creating two teams of three. Please note, we cannot allow teams larger than four in the competitive Grade 5 & 6 swarms.

  • Yes, your team can have members from different grades. However, your team must study the word list for the speller(s) in the highest grade on your team. For example, if you have a 2nd and 3rd grader on the same team, the team will spell in a Grade 3 & 4 swarm using the Grade 3 & 4 word list. For the Competitive Swarms, all team members must be in either Grade 5 or 6.

  • The Spelling Bee is intended to be a fun and inclusive event for all spellers, their families, and friends. In the spirit of the event, team names may not evoke violence, make others feel uncomfortable, or be in any way offensive. The Spelling Bee Chairs reserve the right to request that a team change its name.

  • Word lists and FBE Spelling Bee rules will be available online at our website. The Grade K-4 swarms are non-competitive, and word lists are age-appropriate. Many teams choose to split up the list so each child is an ’expert’ on one sub-set of words. We also encourage teams to dress alike, dress in costume or wear team-designed shirts, so have fun and Bee creative! You are also welcome to re-utilize your child’s Halloween costume in team spirit or dress!

  • Please park in the Chenery Middle School parking lot or neighborhood streets and enter the building through the cafeteria doors facing the parking lot. Spellers can be dropped off in the swarm line-up area hallway and adults can then proceed to the auditorium to watch the Bee. Each K-4 swarm will be escorted onto the stage by an FBE volunteer, spell for approximately 15 minutes, and then be led off the stage as one group. Grade 5-6 swarms are competitive so the amount of time they are on stage will vary. Volunteers will be stationed throughout the building to point spellers and Spelling Bee observers to the right place. Please stop at the FBE Welcome Table should you have any questions or need assistance.

  • There will be tables to do word puzzles and color. Also, the FBE Spelling Bee mascot will return again this year! We encourage you to bring your camera and take your child’s photo with The Bee! Please follow the signs to the photo-op area in the hallway. It is also fun to watch other swarms, friends, neighbors, and classmates, spell on stage while you wait for your child’s swarm time.

  • If you have questions about your registration, please contact Alina Lisanke & Wendy Etkind at beekeeper@fbe-belmont.org.

  • Due to the growing popularity of the Spelling Bee, and the size limitations of the venue, we anticipate that this event will sell out. Registration may sell out before the official closing date. If regular registration is sold out, we will have limited tickets available for new spellers to join existing teams. Once the event is sold out we will not be able to add your speller even if his/her teammates have already registered, so please register early and remind your teammates to sign up as well. We will do our best to accommodate all spellers who wish to participate!

BEE Sponsorship Levels

BEE a supporter of the Belmont Public Schools! Sponsorship levels detailed below.
Please contact us at administrator@fbe-belmont.org for assistance with your sponsorship.


  • $3,000 (Limited to 1)

    • Premium full-page, color ad on back of program book (ad size* - 7.5w x 10”h)

    • Sponsorship recognition of all prizes & trophies for winning spelling participants

    • Opportunity to have a Sponsor table at event to promote business & greet spellers

    • Front cover recognition and listing in the program book

    • Limited to one (1) Honeycomb Sponsor

  • $2,500 (limited to 2)

    • Sponsorship listed on printed and emailed information (community-wide reach) *

    • Event sponsorship recognition prominently displayed at the event – corporate banner can be displayed at event

    • Premium full-page ad placement in the program book and front cover recognition (ad size* - 7.5"w x 10"h)

    • Opportunity to have a Sponsor table at event to promote business & greet spellers

    • Limited to two (2) Bee Keeper Sponsors

  • $500 (Unlimited)

    • Half-page ad placement in program book and front page recognition (ad size* - 7.5"w x 4.75"h)

  • $250 (for small businesses, non-profit or community groups only)

    • Quarter-page ad placement in the program book (ad size* - 3.5"w x 4.5"h)

    • Listing in the program book

  • $150 (Unlimited)

    • Business card ad in the program book (ad size* - 3.5"w x 2"h)

    • Listing in the program book

 Spelling BEE Photo Gallery 2024

Thank you to our Spelling Bee Photographer Natasha Bregel

Last year’s winning words & teams!

1st Place: Team Vocab Vortex

Ryan Denning, Nayan Dilawari, Rohin Sharma

3rd Place: Team Eclipse

Vivian Shi, Eleanor Klassen, Sophia Li, Claire Gu

1st place winning word: Stagnant • 2nd & 3rd place winning word: Interrogate

2nd Place: Team HAM

Alice Meng, Hannah Kim, Mia Tucker