Volunteers from across Belmont are critical to the operation of the FBE. Follow the link below to ‘meet’ our invaluable 2024-25 volunteers, who are making a difference in the Belmont Public Schools.

Board of Directors 2024-2025

The Foundation is overseen by a Board of Directors whose members serve for two or three year terms. The Superintendent of the Belmont Public Schools and a member of the School Committee assist the Board in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity.

Executive Committee

Melissa McKenna

Maria Olagunju

VP of Fundraising
Sponsorship & Fundraising
Amanda Lubarsky

VP of Programs
Program Committee & Grants
Michael Gao

Mauro Lance

Co-VP of Marketing
Valerie Krempus

Co-VP of Marketing

Holly Javedan

Full Board of Directors

Lander Arrue
Natasha Bregel
Amy Brown
Michael Gao
Kylia Garver
Kelly Gelfer
Rui Guo
Matias Infante
Holly Javedan
Jerrel Jones
Valerie Krempus
Mauro Lance
Wenhong Liu
Amanda Lubarsky
Melissa McKenna
Maria Olagunju
Carmen Ruiz de Gauna
Deepa Shakya
Jessica Smith
Sara Townsend

Nominating Committee Chair
Jessica Smith

Ex Officio
Dr. Jill Geiser
Superintendent of Schools

Meghan Moriarty,
School Committee Representative

Lyn Hamer

Board & committee members 2024-2025- the FBE is so happy to have you all onboard - thank you!

Click here to read more about our 2024-25 volunteers, and learn who makes up our board and various committees.

Please do get in touch with us here if you are interested in getting involved with the FBE. We would be thrilled to hear from you!

Program Committee 2024-2025

FBE Program Committee members serve as liaisons to the Belmont Public School staff and administrators who apply for grants. Program Committee members are assigned to each school and subject area to review and guide grant applicants through the funding process. Every grant application is reviewed by the entire Program Committee who make funding recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Michael Gao
Vice President, Programs

Hannah E. Fischer
Belmont High School

Anita Liberty
Belmont High School Representative

Erin Rowland
Belmont Middle School

Erin Beattie
Chenery Upper Elementary School

Yang Han
Burbank Elementary School

Zebadiah (Zeb) Kimmel
Butler Elementary School

Jerrel Jones
Wellington Elementary School

Maria Olagunju
Winn Brook Elementary School

Amy Brown

Natasha Bregel
Fine Arts

Christy Lawrence
Foreign Language

Anne Pareti

Nichole O’Connell

Angela Chan
Social Studies

Deidre Siegert

Finance Committee 2024-2025

The FBE Finance Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its fiduciary responsibilities related to financial management, budgeting, reporting, and risk management, and provides recommendations on financial sustainability and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Finance Committee Chair
& FBE Treasurer

Mauro Lance

Finance Committee Members:
Lander Arrue
Corinne Fond
Megan Pickette